Puzzle Maker Pro v2022.5
Changes in v2022.5
- New puzzle modules Wordoku and Wordoku Variations added
- All modules: issue with missing images when zooming in to image list fixed. (For Bingo, Sudoku and some other modules you can select or drag/drop images. Next to the images is a looking glass icon, that allows you to use a larger view of the images. This zoom function caused an error when reusing and editing presets with a different number of images
- Puzzle Maker Pro – Slight change to the way configuration settings are loaded when starting Puzzle Maker Pro.
Changes in v2202.5.0.1
- Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Wordoku: Fixed: error when using a word list for fixed Wordoku size
Changes in v2202.5.0.2
- Puzzle Maker Pro – Wordoku Variations: Fixed: For 4×4 Vertical grids, sometimes 1 or 2 letters of the word were given as clues. This has been fixed.
Changes in v2202.5.0.3
- Generic – Font Preview Panel / Font selection dialog: Default letter case changed from Unchanged to Uppercase
- Fixed – Connect the Dots – Error when creating Instant Puzzle Books (caused by the change in v2022.2.2 to use a custom puzzle number offset (for puzzle file naming)
Changes in v2022.5.1
- Wordoku / Wordoku Variations – Added – Option to make the word cells transparent (that way the letters from the hidden word are not known from the start, you have to solve the puzzle to find the word)
- Wordoku / Wordoku Variations – Fixed – Difficulty levels were missing in the Instant Puzzle Books
- Generic – Additional Output Path options: You can now use the fields Custom1 and Custom2 to have even more flexibility in the folder structure for saving the puzzles
Changes in v2022.5.1.1
- Wordoku / Wordoku Variations – Added – Skipped words will now be result in a warning in the “xx puzzles were created” message, as well in the status message at the top of the window. (The skipped words.txt file will list the actual words that were skipped).