Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1


Original price was: $ 171.Current price is: $ 147.

Create Digital Planners with MS Powerpoint – Sticker Factory Pro – Planner Links – Link Finder – Productivity Tools – Commercial Use

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Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1 – Product Information


This bundle contains three different products to help you create and manage your Digital Planners with MS Powerpoint.

Powerpoint is one of the best tools to create digital planners, but it’s hard for Powerpoint users to create digital stickers – saving / exporting your creations as stickers can only be done one by one, it’s a lot of work. Sticker Factory Pro helps you create and export your digital stickers.

Link Finder (Plugin for Powerpoint) will help you here: it will effortlessly show you all the hidden linked shapes in the Powerpoint file, whether they’re added by yourself or your designer. This will give you options to edit and improve the digital planner. When you’re done, Link Finder will hide the linked shapes for you.

Planner Links (Plugin for Powerpoint) helps you to create and manage the links in your Digital Planners. Just add tags to the slides (pages) you want to link to. For example “Calendar”, “Address Book”, “February”, “Emergency Contacts”.

Use meaningful names to connect the buttons (shapes) and targets (slides), and generate the actual links and the supporting invisible shapes when you’re ready. Easy Peasy.

These plugins will work with your MS Windows installed version of MS Powerpoint.

Ease of Use

It’s easy:

  • Open MS Powerpoint, then click the “Add-ins’ menu and look for the “Easy Journals” options.
  • Click the “More Options” dropdown menu and select the plugin you want to use
  • This will open a panel at the right of your MS Powerpoint window.

Each plugin has it’s own panel with the features and options you need


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Product Comparison

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Products in This Bundle

Sticker Factory Pro Plugin

Sticker Factory Pro Plugin
Planner Links Plugin

Planner Links Plugin
Link Finder Plugin

Link Finder Plugin

Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1 – Video Overview

Link Finder Overview

Sticker Factory Pro Overview

Planner Links Overview

Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1 – Feature Summary

Find Hidden Links

Find and edit invisible linked shapes for your existing Digital Planner in Powerpoint

Unhide Invisible Shapes

Make all invisible shapes (with links) visible

Edit Links

You can edit / change shapes or links

Hide Links

Hides the previously shown links


This plugin is not compatible with the Planner Links plugin (it won’t use / edit the tags)

Export Stickers

Quickly export your Powerpoint shapes as digital stickers:

Single Click

Export all shapes on a single slide or on all slides with a single mouse-click

White Edges

Add white sticker borders

Word List

Generate stickers from your word list


Export in 96 DPI and 300 DPI

Create Links

Quickly create links for your Digital Planner in Powerpoint

Tag Slides

Mark slides (link targets) with tags

Tag Shapes

Add tags to shapes, buttons or text

Generate Links

Generate links for a single slide or all slides at once

Save Meta Data

Save tags as meta data with your presentation (for future changes)

Commercial Use

Commercial Use allowed

MS Powerpoint Required

This plugin will only work with installed versions of MS Powerpoint on an MS Windows computer.

Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1 – Bundle Overview

Sticker Factory Plugin

Sticker Factory Pro Plugin

Planner Links Plugin

Link Finder Plugin

Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1

Sticker Factory Box Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1Sticker Factory Pro Box Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1Planner Links Box Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1Link Finder Box Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1 Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1
Save Shapes as Separate PNG Images
Add Borders to Shapes for Digital Stickers
Generate Digital Stickers from a Word List
Add and Manage Links for Digital Planners
Find and Edit Links for Existing Digital Planners
DependenciesRequires MS Windows and MS Powerpoint (not cloud)Requires MS Windows and MS Powerpoint (not cloud)Requires MS Windows and MS Powerpoint (not cloud)Requires MS Windows and MS Powerpoint (not cloud)Requires MS Windows and MS Powerpoint (not cloud)
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)





($171) $147

Show ProductShow ProductShow ProductShow ProductShow Product

Sticker Factory Plugin

Sticker Factory Box Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1
Save Shapes as Separate PNG Images
Add Borders to Shapes for Digital Stickers
Generate Digital Stickers from a Word List
Add and Manage Links for Digital Planners
Find and Edit Links for Existing Digital Planners
DependenciesRequires MS Windows and MS Powerpoint (not cloud)
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Sticker Factory Pro Plugin

Sticker Factory Pro Box Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1
Save Shapes as Separate PNG Images
Add Borders to Shapes for Digital Stickers
Generate Digital Stickers from a Word List
Add and Manage Links for Digital Planners
Find and Edit Links for Existing Digital Planners
DependenciesRequires MS Windows and MS Powerpoint (not cloud)
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Planner Links Plugin

Planner Links Box Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1
Save Shapes as Separate PNG Images
Add Borders to Shapes for Digital Stickers
Generate Digital Stickers from a Word List
Add and Manage Links for Digital Planners
Find and Edit Links for Existing Digital Planners
DependenciesRequires MS Windows and MS Powerpoint (not cloud)
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Link Finder Plugin

Link Finder Box Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1
Save Shapes as Separate PNG Images
Add Borders to Shapes for Digital Stickers
Generate Digital Stickers from a Word List
Add and Manage Links for Digital Planners
Find and Edit Links for Existing Digital Planners
DependenciesRequires MS Windows and MS Powerpoint (not cloud)
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1

Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1 Digital Planner Tools Bundle 1
Save Shapes as Separate PNG Images
Add Borders to Shapes for Digital Stickers
Generate Digital Stickers from a Word List
Add and Manage Links for Digital Planners
Find and Edit Links for Existing Digital Planners
DependenciesRequires MS Windows and MS Powerpoint (not cloud)
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)

($171) $147

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Product DetailsPowerpoint Add-In InfoPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products
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