Puzzle Maker Pro Updates Software Updates

Puzzle Maker Pro v2023.3

Changes in v2023.3

New modules added:

  • More Clues Add-On for Sudoku

Changes in v2023.3.1

Updates for Standard Word Search

  • Puzzle Alignment fixed
  • Random Sort order added

Changes in v2023.3.2

Word Puzzles: Word Scramble, Word Guess, Easy Cryptograms

  • Added: Image format (Square or Landscape or Portrait) sizing
  • Added: Option to use images (instead of text) in a puzzle book

Changes in v2023.3.2.2

Update Word Puzzles

  • Fixed: Error for European users when opening Word Guess, Word Scramble and Easy Cryptograms (caused by decimal point/comma difference between English and most European languages)

Changes in v2023.3.3 – v2023.3.3.3

Update Time Saver for Word Search

  • Mix rectangles, (saved) puzzle presets and (saved) word search masks in a single table
  • Specify the word list for each row in the table
  • Optionally use the word list that was specified for the word search puzzle preset

Changes in v2023.3.4.0


  • Time Saver for Sudoku 9×9 (works with Sudoku 9×9 Standard and Sudoku 9×9 Creative)


  • Time Saver for Word Search: Option to create 1 puzzle for each word list. This means you can add a row to the table for 10 puzzles (e.g. 10 puzzles with 15×15 letters) and have it use 10 different word list. This adds compatibility with the ‘old’ version of this Time Saver.

Changes in v2023.3.4.1

Mainly a deployment fix to reinstall after Windows update results in errors


  • Wordoku: Error when switching to this module

Changes in V2023.3.5

Wordoku Instant Puzzle Books

  • Fatal Error Fixed

Changes in v2023.3.6/v2023.3.6.2

Security Update (Faster start-up)

Word Search:

  • Fixed word list alignment for JPG output

Changes in v2023.3.7.0


  • Nonconsecutive Sudoku: License Authorization not handled correctly

Changes in v2023.3.7.1


  • Instant Puzzle Book puzzle titles for Nonconsecutive and Checkerboard sudoku were not displayed correctly

Changes in v2023.3.8.0


  • New layouts for Word Search puzzles in Instant Puzzle Books

Changes in v2023.3.8.1


  • Creating pages in bitmap format (instead of Powerpoint or PDF) for Word Search puzzles can add the puzzle name to the output file. For example: “Page0001-Christmas-01.jpg”

Changes in v2023.3.9


  • Word Puzzles (Easy Cryptograms, Word Scramble and Word Guess): update v2023.3.8.1 caused an error when creating pages in bitmap format. This has been fixed.


  • Word Puzzles (Easy Cryptograms and Word Guess): Create puzzle books from images.

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