Puzzle Maker Pro Updates Software Updates

Puzzle Maker Pro v2022.3

Changes in v2022.3.0.3

  • New puzzle module Mazes 2D Tiles added

Changes in v2022.3.1

  • Update for the Tile Multiplier Add-On – it will now generate true 3D looking isometric tiles from your square tiles.

Changes in v2022.3.1.1

  • Fixed: Geometric Mazes – the bottom border wasn’t always printed correctly for the Squares shapes.

Changes in v2022.3.1.2

  • Fixed: Quantity setting for Mazes 2D Tiles wasn’t applied correctly
  • Added: Tile Multiplier – if you use square tiles without transparency, the Tile Multiplier will fix that before converting to isometric tiles

Changes in v2022.3.1.3

  • Fixed: Time Saver was not activated in the app when you have a Time Saver for Mazes 2D Tiles license.

Changes in v2022.3.1.4

Fixed: Geometric Mazes – Triangles had too large white borders when the number of rows was larger than the number of columns (to get a vertical / portrait mode maze)

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