Puzzle Maker Pro – All Mazes Bundle

$ 970

Create a variety of mazes with all our Mazes 2D and 3D products. Includes Mazes 2D Tiles and tile sets. All the mazes products and add-ons available in Puzzle Maker Pro

Yearly Subscription: – Get two months free with the Yearly subscription AND another two months extra as a Release bonus: Pay for only 10 months and get 14 months access.

Yearly subscription:Only $247 per Year
Quarterly subscription:$97 per Quarter
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SKU: BPT002430242 Categories: , , ,
Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products

Puzzle Maker Pro – All Mazes Bundle – Product Information


With the All Mazes Bundle for Puzzle Maker Pro you can create a variety of mazes with all our Mazes 2D and 3D products. Includes Mazes 2D Tiles and tile sets. All the mazes products and add-ons available in Puzzle Maker Pro.


  • Mazes 2D Squares
  • Geometric Mazes 2D
  • Mazes 2D Tiles plus add-ons and all tile sets
  • Mazes 3D Isometric plus add-ons
  • Mazes 2D Oblique
  • Mazes 2D Other Shapes (circles and octagons)
  • Mazes 2D Cubism plus add-ons
  • Mazes 2D Patchwork (all variations)
  • Mazes 2D DIY Mazes
  • Mazes 2D Random Shapes

You can save presets for your preferred settings, save the puzzles as PNG or JPG and even create complete mazes puzzle books with multiple maze variations.

A perfect choice when you love mazes or want to sell maze puzzles and puzzle books as Print on Demand books or printables.

Ease of Use

With this bundle you get access to several different maze types.

1 Select the maze type you need in the dropdown list.

2 Paste your word list or select a word list file

3 Create a new preview or create puzzles right away

You can update the styling and puzzle options and create new previews to see the results immediately.

Optionally you can use the (included) Time Savers for each puzzle type to create even more puzzles even faster, using different word lists and presets for the puzzles.

Immediate Access

You can use the software right away. Just download and install the newest version of Puzzle Maker Pro from the member area, and start creating your puzzles and puzzle books.

Free Demo Version

Experience the power Of the Puzzle Maker Pro – All Mazes Bundle with our free demo version. Please note that puzzles And solutions In the demo version will be watermarked. You can test all features and puzzle types.

If you want to try out the Time Saver Add-On, please contact support.

Note: Sales for Puzzle Maker Pro products are final. We strongly suggest to test compatibility with your Windows PC configuration before purchase.


Tutorials for this product:

Products in This Bundle

Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Squares

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Squares
Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Mazes 2D

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Mazes 2D
Puzzle Maker Pro - Geometric Mazes 2D

Puzzle Maker Pro – Geometric Mazes 2D
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Tiles

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Tiles
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Tiles - Tile Multiplier Add-On

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Tiles – Tile Multiplier Add-On
Puzzle Maker Pro - Masks Add-On for Mazes 2D Squares

Puzzle Maker Pro – Masks Add-On for Mazes 2D Squares
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 3D Isometric

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 3D Isometric - Height Map Editor

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric – Height Map Editor
Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Mazes 3D Isometric

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Mazes 3D Isometric
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 3D Isometric - Paths Add-On

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 3D Isometric – Paths Add-On
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Oblique

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Oblique
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Other Shapes

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Other Shapes
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Cubism

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Cubism
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Cubism Variations Add-On

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Cubism Variations Add-On
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Patchwork Log Cabin

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Patchwork Log Cabin
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D DIY Mazes

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D DIY Mazes
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Patchwork Bricks

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Patchwork Bricks
Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Random Shapes

Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Random Shapes
Maze Tile Set 1 - Plain and Geometric

Maze Tile Set 1 – Plain and Geometric
Maze Tile Set 2 - Art Deco

Maze Tile Set 2 – Art Deco
Maze Tile Set 3 - Hand-Drawn

Maze Tile Set 3 – Hand-Drawn
Maze Tile Set 4 - Marine Style

Maze Tile Set 4 – Marine Style

Puzzle Maker Pro – All Mazes Bundle – Video Overview

Oblique Mazes

Mazes 3D Isometric overview

Using the Height Map Editor

Mazes 2D Other Shapes

Voronoi Mazes and Features

Triangulation Mazes Examples

Mazes 2D Cubism

Mazes 2D Tiles Overview

Tile Multiplier Overview

Puzzle Maker Pro – All Mazes Bundle – Feature Summary

Square Mazes

Create unique mazes with square shapes

Triangle Mazes

Create unique mazes with triangle shapes

Hexagon Mazes

Create unique mazes with hexagon shapes

Circle Mazes

Create unique mazes with circle shape pieces

Voronoi Mazes

Organic mazes based on the Voronoi diagram

Triangulation Mazes

Irregular triangle mazes, created by triangulation of random dots

Centered Random Shapes

Control the spread, add more maze cells in the center of the canvas

Octagon Mazes

Create Mazes with Easy Octagons

Oblique Mazes

Create Oblique Mazes

Oblique Line Angle

Set the maximum angle for horizontal and vertical lines (from border to border) – Each line will be randomized

Oblique Cell Edge Angle

Set the maximum angles for cell edges – Each cell will be randomized

Square Tiles

Create mazes with square tiles

Isometric Tiles

Create mazes with isometric tiles

Use Your Own Tiles

Use your own square or isometric tiles to generate mazes

Generate Square Tiles

Generate additional square tiles for your maze (saves 70% of your time)

Generate Isometric Tiles

Convert your square tiles into isometric tiles with just one mouse-click

Prototyping with Tiles

Quickly generate new tiles from your ‘seed’ tiles, to see the results, before spending time on detailing additional tiles

Tiles Transparency

Tile Multiplier will add a transparency layer to your images (if required) before converting to isometric

Tiles Add Depth

Tile Multiplier can give your (converted) isometric tiles a simulated 3D effect, making the tiles look like real cubes

Tiles 3D Shading

You can select the colors for the 3D effect, using shading that fits with the tile colors

Tiles Connected shading colors

Optionally you can connect the shading colors, using a percentage difference in color, to make the 3D effect look natural

Tile Sets Included

Includes 2 built-in tile sets and 4 additional tile sets

Patchwork Log Cabin patterns

4 different log cabin patterns

Patchwork Pattern Variations

Change the size of the log cabin patterns from small 5×5 grids to larger 38×38 grids

Patchwork Pattern Repeats

Repeat the single log cabin pattern across a larger grid, optionally rotating or mirroring the pattern

Patchwork Colorization

In addition to the ‘regular’ color options, you can use an accent color for the log cabin pattern

Patchwork Optional cropping

You can optionally crop the maze to only whole log cabin patterns

Patchwork Brick patterns

7 different brick bond patterns

Patchwork Basket Weave pattern

8 Different sizes of the Basket Weave Pattern

DIY Maze patterns

Define your own pattern for the maze

Cubic Mazes

Create Mondrian style Mazes with differently sized squares and rectangles

Cubic Triangle Mazes

Create Mazes with Squares, Rectangles and Triangles

Cubic Golden Ratio

Create Mazes with squares and rectangles, split using the Golden Ratio

3D effect

Create mazes with isometric 3D effect

3D Built-In Maps

Use one of the built-in maps to create your maze

3D Random Map

Generate a random 3D map

Create Your Own 3D Map

Create your own 3D map for your 3D isometric mazes

3D Maps Raise / Lower blocks

You can raise or lower the blocks (and the blocks on top of it)

3D Maps Level Rows / Columns

You can set an entire row or column to the exact height of the selected cell (cube)

3D Maps Two steps to change

To prevent errors, there are two steps for each change: specify the change, and “Do It” to apply the change

3D Maps One-Click Mode

When you’re familiar with the Height Map Editor, there’s a “One-Click Mode” to let you edit faster

3D Maps Undo

When you make mistakes, or get unexpected results, there’s an Undo option to restore your map

3D Add paths to the surfaces

Add paths to the cube surfaces instead of using the full width

3D Path Coloring

You can set the colors for the path, for each surface (top, front left, front right) separately

3D Path Shading

You can link the colors for the path, to quickly create a 3D shading effect

3D Surface Coloring

In addition to the path colors, you can also set the surface colors (displayed under/behind the path)

Maze Algorithm

Choose different maze generation algorithms – fairly straight to complex and meandering


Includes Puzzle Solutions

Wall/Line Width

Set the wall/line width and optionally randomize it

Passage/Door Width

Set the passage/door width and optionally randomize it (depends on maze type)

Passage/Door Position

Optionally randomize the position of the passages (depends on maze type)

Solution Line Style

Set the solution line style to straight or curved, dashed or continuous (depends on maze type)

Styling Options

Choose any (TrueType) font on your computer, set the font and line colors, and more

Start/End Points

Use letters or images for the Start and End points of the maze

Start/End Points Open

Optionally leave the outer border of the Start and End points open

Output Formats

Create puzzles in any size you need, up to 3000×3000 pixels, in JPG, PNG or Transparent PNG format


Advanced Styling options

Font Setup

Use any Truetype font on your computer, choose color, size and positioning

Line Style

Customize line width and color

Customize Font

You can change the font to any TrueType font on your computer

Customize Colors

You can change the font, line and background colors

Preview Puzzles and Solutions

You can preview the puzzles and solutions with your custom styling settings

Create Puzzles on Your Computer

Puzzles and Solutions will be stored on your computer. No need for downloads

Solutions included

Solutions for the puzzles are included


You can save and load your own presets for each puzzle, to preserve styling consistency

Create Puzzles

Create many puzzles at once, with a single mouse-click

Puzzle Output Size

Set your own puzzle size, up to 3000 pixels (10” at 300 DPI)

Puzzle Output Format

Save your puzzles in JPG, PNG or Transparent PNG format (optionally in 4bit format for smaller size)

Custom Output Location

Set up your own output folder structure, including date and custom name placeholders

Instant Puzzle Books

Use the Puzzle Maker Pro options to generate Instant Puzzle Books in Powerpoint or PDF format

Puzzle Numbering

Use custom puzzle numbering, to create parts of puzzle books that can be appended later

Trim Size

Set up your own trim size, from 1×1 to 15×15 inch


Set your own page margins

Mirrored Margins

Optionally use mirrored margins, for equal inner and outer margins on left and right pages

Title Setup

Various options to set up titles for your puzzles in your Instant Puzzle Books

Default Page Layout

By default a 1×1 layout grid is used.

Advanced Page Layout

With the Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) you can set up your own grid layout, up to 10×10 puzzles


With the Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) you can collate puzzles and solutions and use different layouts for each

Page Layout Customization

With the Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) you can customize the distance between puzzle rows and columns

Time Saver

The Time Saver Add-On (additional Purchase) will let you create sets of puzzles faster, optionally using your own puzzle presets

Personal License

You can create and print puzzles for your own use, share with your kids and family, in your classroom or with your team

POD License

You can create and print puzzles and puzzle books and sell on Print on Demand platforms such as KDP, or sell as printables

Optimized for Windows (10/11)

The software can be used on MS Windows 7 or higher. It’s only available on Mac when you use Virtualbox, Parallels or another virtual Windows platform

Puzzle Maker Pro (included)

Select Your Fonts

You can use the TrueType fonts on your computer

Customize Font Position

Using our included font editor, you can optimize the font position and size

Customize Colors

Using our included color setup, you can change font, line and background colors

Preview Puzzle

You can preview the puzzle with your custom styling settings, and zoom in / out to verify the details

Preview Solution

You can also preview the solution details

Create Puzzles on Your Computer

Puzzles and Solutions will be stored on your computer. No need for downloads

Local Storage

Nobody else can spy on your puzzles, everything is stored on your own computer


You can save and load your own presets for each puzzle, to work in several sessions and preserve styling consistency

Puzzle Output Size

Set your own puzzle size, up to 3000 pixels (10” at 300 DPI), for maximum flexibility and efficiency

Puzzle Output Format

Save your puzzles in JPG, PNG or Transparent PNG format (optionally in 4bit format for smaller size)

Custom Output Location

Set up your own output folder structure, including date and custom name placeholders, to manage your projects

Personal License

You can create and print puzzles for your own use, share with your kids and family, in your classroom or with your team

POD License

You can create and print puzzles and puzzle books and sell on Print on Demand platforms such as KDP, or sell as printables


You are responsible for the rights for images you add to the puzzles or puzzle books – you have complete rights for the puzzle books

Optimized for Windows (10/11)

The software can be used on MS Windows 7 or higher.

Options for Mac

Puzzle Maker Pro will only work on a Mac when you use Virtualbox, Parallels or another virtual Windows platform

Instant Puzzle Books (included)

Instant Puzzle Books

Includes with each Puzzle Maker Pro module – Create Puzzle Books with one mouse-click

Output Formats

Your puzzle book can be created in Powerpoint or PDF format, or even as JPG files

Custom DPI Settings

Use 300 DPI for KDP compliant commercial print books, 96 DPI for printables

Default Page Layout

By default a 1×1 layout grid is used for the page layouts

Advanced Page Layout

With the Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) you can set up your own grid layout, up to 10×10 puzzles

Puzzle Numbering

Puzzles and solutions are numbered and matched in your puzzle book

Custom Puzzle Numbering

Use custom puzzle numbering, to create parts of puzzle books that can be combined later

Trim Size

Set up your own trim size, from 1×1 to 15×15 inch, including KDP formats 6×9, 8×10 and 8.5×11


Set your own page margins to comply with KDP or create your own custom layout

Mirrored Margins

Optionally use mirrored margins, for equal inner and outer margins on left and right pages

Title Setup

Various options to set up titles for your puzzles in your Instant Puzzle Books

Page Layout Customization

With the Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) you can customize padding between rows and columns in the Instant Puzzle Book

Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products
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