Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots SVG Edition

$ 147

Connect the Dots puzzles – Multiple paths. From SVG or Manual – Advanced editing options, letters or math instead of numbers, Personal / POD License

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Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots SVG Edition – Product Information


Connect The Dots is a great puzzle type for all ages, from kids to grown-ups to elderly.

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots is a workbench to create your own perfect puzzles. You can place and edit (move or delete) the dots, use multiple paths for each puzzle, change the dots into little squares or triangles, and so on. Create easy puzzles fast, create complex puzzles in multiple sessions.

With this SVG Edition you can import SVG files and automatically add dots to the SVG paths. After this first step you can manually edit the dots, add paths and dots, etc.

Multiple paths, multiple dot styles, multiple tag (number) styles, group paths together, quickly set or override options for all paths in a group, and much more.

Warning: This module is not a ‘single click book publishing solution’. It takes some work to create these puzzles that the computer cannot do for you, for example: Deciding which lines to include in the puzzle, the order in which the lines are connected, how many dots you want to place on a line, and so on.

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots will let you create the perfect puzzle. Use the free demo version to see what it can do for you.

Using the built-in preset system, you can easily reuse, copy or change your Connect the Dots puzzles, to create variations – easier or more complex puzzles.

If you’re publishing puzzles on your website, publishing puzzle books on KDP, selling printables, or need unique content for your website or social media, Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots will help you achieve your goals.

Ease of Use

It’s easy.

Open the Path Editor for Connect the Dots, and then click the SVG button to open the SVG Importer

Select an SVG file and see the resulting paths and dots in the preview window

Click Use SVG and then Use Path to use the imported image with the default path settings

Click Create to print the puzzle and solution.

Optionally edit the resulting Connect the Dots Puzzle:

Open the Path Editor for Connect the Dots

Import a JPG or PNG image file. This will be shown as a background image.

Start clicking at the exact spots where you want the dots to be placed.

Close the Path Editor and set the puzzle styling.

Of course there’s more:

  • You can add multiple paths
  • You can delete or move points
  • You can add points between two existing points – this allows you to create a rough outline first, and add details later
  • Each path can start at 1, or continue numbering from the previous path
  • You can hide paths, or set them as illustration only, which will show the lines instead of dots and numbers

For easy puzzles aimed at young children you may prefer to use only one single path. For more complex images, you can use multiple paths to create more detailed images. For example the outline of a dog could be the first path, the eyes could be two separate paths.

Immediate Access

You can use the software right away. Just download and install the newest version of Puzzle Maker Pro from the member area, and start creating your puzzles and puzzle books.

Free Demo Version

Experience the power Of Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots SVG Edition with our free demo version. Please note that puzzles And solutions In the demo version will be watermarked. You can test all features and puzzle types.

If you want to try out the Time Saver Add-On, please contact support.

Note: Sales for Puzzle Maker Pro products are final. We strongly suggest to test compatibility with your Windows PC configuration before purchase.


Tutorials for this product:

Product Comparison

View Product Comparison Overview

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots SVG Edition – Video Overview

Connect the Dots SVG Intro

Connect the Dots

Advanced Features

Create SVG Files for Connect the Dots

Create Connect the Dots puzzles from your SVG Files

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots SVG Edition – Feature Summary

Import SVG

Import SVG files to create your puzzles or to set a great starting point for manual editing

Customize Dots per Path

Customize how many dots are added for each path in the SVG image

Multiple Paths

Create Connect the Dots puzzles with multiple paths

Edit Dots

Add, insert, move and delete dots on your paths

Dot Symbol Options

Choose different symbols and numbering for each path


Choose different colors for each path

Open or Closed Paths

Use closed or open paths (a closed path will have a first dot numbered like “1/16”

Hide Paths

Optionally hide paths for puzzle variations, or set paths as illustration only

Number Positioning

Automatic or fixed number positioning

Detailed Control

Detailed control over lines, line width and line color, detailed control over fonts, font color, letter size and letter positioning

Save Presets

Save / Load your own presets, so you can work / edit in multiple sessions


Advanced Styling options

Font Setup

Use any Truetype font on your computer, choose color, size and positioning

Line Style

Customize line width and color

Customize Font

You can change the font to any TrueType font on your computer

Customize Colors

You can change the font, line and background colors

Preview Puzzles and Solutions

You can preview the puzzles and solutions with your custom styling settings

Create Puzzles on Your Computer

Puzzles and Solutions will be stored on your computer. No need for downloads

Solutions included

Solutions for the puzzles are included


You can save and load your own presets for each puzzle, to preserve styling consistency

Create Puzzles

Create many puzzles at once, with a single mouse-click

Puzzle Output Size

Set your own puzzle size, up to 3000 pixels (10” at 300 DPI)

Puzzle Output Format

Save your puzzles in JPG, PNG or Transparent PNG format (optionally in 4bit format for smaller size)

Custom Output Location

Set up your own output folder structure, including date and custom name placeholders

Instant Puzzle Books

Use the Puzzle Maker Pro options to generate Instant Puzzle Books in Powerpoint or PDF format

Puzzle Numbering

Use custom puzzle numbering, to create parts of puzzle books that can be appended later

Trim Size

Set up your own trim size, from 1×1 to 15×15 inch


Set your own page margins

Mirrored Margins

Optionally use mirrored margins, for equal inner and outer margins on left and right pages

Title Setup

Various options to set up titles for your puzzles in your Instant Puzzle Books

Default Page Layout

By default a 1×1 layout grid is used.

Advanced Page Layout

With the Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) you can set up your own grid layout, up to 10×10 puzzles


With the Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) you can collate puzzles and solutions and use different layouts for each

Page Layout Customization

With the Time Saver Add-On (additional purchase) you can customize the distance between puzzle rows and columns

Time Saver

The Time Saver Add-On (additional Purchase) will let you create sets of puzzles faster, optionally using your own puzzle presets

Personal License

You can create and print puzzles for your own use, share with your kids and family, in your classroom or with your team

POD License

You can create and print puzzles and puzzle books and sell on Print on Demand platforms such as KDP, or sell as printables

Optimized for Windows (10/11)

The software can be used on MS Windows 7 or higher. It’s only available on Mac when you use Virtualbox, Parallels or another virtual Windows platform

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots SVG Edition – Product Options

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots Lite Edition

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots Manual Edition

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots SVG Edition

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Connect the Dots

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots Bundle 1

076 Connect the Dots Lite Puzzle Maker Pro - Connect the Dots SVG Edition058 Connect the Dots Manual Puzzle Maker Pro - Connect the Dots SVG Edition073 Connect the Dots SVG Puzzle Maker Pro - Connect the Dots SVG Edition074 Time Saver for CTD Puzzle Maker Pro - Connect the Dots SVG Edition075 Connect the Dots Bundle Puzzle Maker Pro - Connect the Dots SVG Edition
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with one path manuallyN/A
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with multiple paths manuallyN/A
Use Groups to organize multiple paths in a puzzleN/A
Create puzzles with letters, words or math formulas instead of numbersN/A
Use JPG/PNG images as a background when you add dotsN/A
Import SVG ImagesN/A
Save puzzles and resume editing laterN/A
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)





($174) $147

Show ProductShow ProductShow ProductShow ProductShow Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots Lite Edition

076 Connect the Dots Lite Puzzle Maker Pro - Connect the Dots SVG Edition
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with one path manually
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with multiple paths manually
Use Groups to organize multiple paths in a puzzle
Create puzzles with letters, words or math formulas instead of numbers
Use JPG/PNG images as a background when you add dots
Import SVG Images
Save puzzles and resume editing later
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots Manual Edition

058 Connect the Dots Manual Puzzle Maker Pro - Connect the Dots SVG Edition
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with one path manually
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with multiple paths manually
Use Groups to organize multiple paths in a puzzle
Create puzzles with letters, words or math formulas instead of numbers
Use JPG/PNG images as a background when you add dots
Import SVG Images
Save puzzles and resume editing later
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots SVG Edition

073 Connect the Dots SVG Puzzle Maker Pro - Connect the Dots SVG Edition
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with one path manually
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with multiple paths manually
Use Groups to organize multiple paths in a puzzle
Create puzzles with letters, words or math formulas instead of numbers
Use JPG/PNG images as a background when you add dots
Import SVG Images
Save puzzles and resume editing later
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Connect the Dots

074 Time Saver for CTD Puzzle Maker Pro - Connect the Dots SVG Edition
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with one path manuallyN/A
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with multiple paths manuallyN/A
Use Groups to organize multiple paths in a puzzleN/A
Create puzzles with letters, words or math formulas instead of numbersN/A
Use JPG/PNG images as a background when you add dotsN/A
Import SVG ImagesN/A
Save puzzles and resume editing laterN/A
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Connect the Dots Bundle 1

075 Connect the Dots Bundle Puzzle Maker Pro - Connect the Dots SVG Edition
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with one path manually
Create Connect the Dots (Dot to Dot) puzzles with multiple paths manually
Use Groups to organize multiple paths in a puzzle
Create puzzles with letters, words or math formulas instead of numbers
Use JPG/PNG images as a background when you add dots
Import SVG Images
Save puzzles and resume editing later
Create Puzzle Books with multiple puzzles
Create Puzzle Books with 1 Puzzle/Solution per page
Create Puzzle Books with up to 10×10 puzzles/solutions per page
Create Puzzle Books with collated puzzles and solutions
Can be used independently?
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)

($174) $147

Show Product

Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products
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