Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Puzzles

$ 57

Create Word Puzzles and Puzzle Books Faster and Better with More Layout Options, Word File Segmenting and Merging Word Lists

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Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Puzzles – Product Information


This is an Add-On product – it will not work on its own.

With the Time Saver for Word Puzzles you can quickly create Word Scrambles, Word Guess puzzles and Cryptograms by combining several word lists.

The word lists can be combined in several ways, and you can even use the file names as titles for sets of words.

The Time Saver also adds several options to customize the page layouts, for example by using columns, along with different way to print the descriptions for the words.

The Time Saver Add-On is not available in the free Demo Version for Puzzle Maker Pro. If you wish to test it before purchase, just let us know.

Ease of Use

It’s easy:

First activate the Time Saver on the Time Saver tab. You’ll see the text on the “Create” button change to “Create (TS)”.

Configure the puzzle styling the way you want.

Add word lists on the Time Saver tab.

Click “Create (TS)” to generate your Instant Puzzle Book and optional images.

Immediate Access

You can use the software right away. Just download and install the newest version of Puzzle Maker Pro from the member area, and start creating your puzzles and puzzle books.

Free Demo Version

Experience the power Of Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Puzzles with our free demo version. Please note that puzzles And solutions In the demo version will be watermarked. You can test all features and puzzle types.

If you want to try out the Time Saver Add-On, please contact support.

Note: Sales for Puzzle Maker Pro products are final. We strongly suggest to test compatibility with your Windows PC configuration before purchase.


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Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Puzzles – Video Overview

Time Saver for Word Puzzles

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Puzzles – Feature Summary


This Time Saver Add-On will only work with the certain puzzle module. It does not work stand-alone

Word Scramble

This Time Saver works with Word Scramble

Word Guess

This Time Saver works with Word Guess

Easy Cryptograms

This Time Saver works with Easy Cryptograms

Word Lists

Combine multiple word lists

Word Sets

Upgrade words to sets with a single word for improved layout

Auto Titles

Use word file names as titles in your puzzle book

Text Only Layout Options

Uses the Text Only Layout options for Instant Puzzle Books

Margins and Padding

Set margins and padding between words and titles


Choose puzzle numbering per set or per word


Use 1 to 4 columns for the words


Several layout options for the word descriptions

Page Layout Customization

Enjoy more control over your puzzle book’s appearance with the ability to fine-tune the distance between rows and columns, ensuring a polished final product

Time Saver Efficiency

Accelerate your puzzle creation process with the Time Saver Add-On, effortlessly generating sets of puzzles and utilizing your own presets for a personalized touch

Personal License

You can create and print puzzles for your own use, share with your kids and family, in your classroom or with your team

POD License

You can create and print puzzles and puzzle books and sell on Print on Demand platforms such as KDP, or sell as printables

Optimized for Windows (10/11)

The software can be used on MS Windows 7 or higher. It’s only available on Mac when you use Virtualbox, Parallels or another virtual Windows platform

Puzzle Maker Pro – Time Saver for Word Puzzles – Product and Bundle Options

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Scramble

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Guess

Puzzle Maker Pro – Easy Cryptograms

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Puzzles Bundle 1

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Puzzles Bundle 2

190 Word Scramble Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Puzzles191 Word Guess Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Puzzles192 Easy Cryptograms Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Puzzles193 Word Puzzles Bundle 1 Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Puzzles195 Word Puzzles Bundle 2 Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Puzzles
Create Word Scramble
Create Word Guess
Create Create Cryptograms
Advanced Layout Options
Advanced Word File Options
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


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($251) $227

($308) $270

Show ProductShow ProductShow ProductShow ProductShow Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Scramble

190 Word Scramble Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Puzzles
Create Word Scramble
Create Word Guess
Create Create Cryptograms
Advanced Layout Options
Advanced Word File Options
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Guess

191 Word Guess Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Puzzles
Create Word Scramble
Create Word Guess
Create Create Cryptograms
Advanced Layout Options
Advanced Word File Options
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Easy Cryptograms

192 Easy Cryptograms Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Puzzles
Create Word Scramble
Create Word Guess
Create Create Cryptograms
Advanced Layout Options
Advanced Word File Options
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)


Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Puzzles Bundle 1

193 Word Puzzles Bundle 1 Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Puzzles
Create Word Scramble
Create Word Guess
Create Create Cryptograms
Advanced Layout Options
Advanced Word File Options
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)

($251) $227

Show Product

Puzzle Maker Pro – Word Puzzles Bundle 2

195 Word Puzzles Bundle 2 Puzzle Maker Pro - Time Saver for Word Puzzles
Create Word Scramble
Create Word Guess
Create Create Cryptograms
Advanced Layout Options
Advanced Word File Options
Personal / POD License
Available for MS Windows
Available for Mac / iPad / Android / iOS


(* The shopping cart will show the price in your local currency, including VAT/GST)

($308) $270

Show Product

Product DetailsPuzzle Maker ProInstant Puzzle BooksPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products
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