Maze Tile Set 4 – Marine Style

$ 27

Add-On for Mazes 2D Tiles – 111 different hand-drawn maze tiles, marine themed – water – star fish – shells

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SKU: BPT002070211 Categories: ,
Product DetailsPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products

Maze Tile Set 4 – Marine Style – Product Information


This Tile Set includes 111 tiles with a Marine (sea) theme. The set includes hand-drawn tiles and rotated copies to create more variety in the generated mazes.

You can use these tiles directly in Puzzle Maker Pro – Mazes 2D Tiles to generate mazes, use other maze maker software.

The set includes:

* 91 different ‘path’ tiles.

* 20 additional graphics that can be used in empty spaces or as page illustrations.

Hand-drawn by our talented designer (These are NOT some rehashed public domain graphics).

The tiles are in PNG format with 500×500 pixels.

Ease of Use

Select Mazes 2D Tiles in Puzzle Maker Pro

Then select the folder with the tiles you want to use

Click “Next Preview” to generate a maze


Tutorials for this product:

Maze Tile Set 4 – Marine Style – Video Overview

Mazes 2D Tiles Overview

Puzzle Maker Pro Features and Functions

Maze Tile Set 4 – Marine Style – Feature Summary

111 MazeTiles

The complete set consists of 91 different path tiles and 20 additional illustrations

500 px Tiles

Tiles are 500×500 pixels, and will be reduced in size when generating a maze

New Designs

The tiles are brand new designs, specifically made for Mazes 2D Tiles

Product DetailsPurchase InformationFree / Demo Products